*Total weight gain: About 12-13lbs
*How big is baby?: The size of a Chinese Cabbage
*Sleep?: I officially have a wake up time of 5am every morning. I guess that's the longest my bladder can hold out now :(
*Best moment this week?: It's a secret, but hopefully I can say it next week!
*Movement?: He's a mover and a shaker! This little guy is always making his presence known. I wonder when he sleeps in there?
*Food cravings?: Fried Chicken, though I keep forcing myself not to eat it...
*Labor signs?: Nope.
*Belly button in or out?: It's about half/half
*What I miss: Being skinny (I know that sounds so superficial, but I do miss it simply for the ease of moving without straining)
*What I'm looking forward to: Hopefully a third tri ultrasound!