*How far along?: 38 Weeks
*Total weight gain: 18lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
*How big is baby?: Around 6.5lbs
*Maternity clothes?: I'm mainly in pjs and maternity clothes
*Sleep?: We have been using a new box fan by the bed and it lulls me to sleep!
*Best moment this week?: Setting the bassinet next to the bed :) Can't wait to put a baby in there! Also, Darin and Misty had their baby Friday. He's a cutie!
*Movement?: She's getting really cramped in there. Not a lot of room to move.
*Food cravings?: I have been a bottomless pit this week. I eat everything!
*Labor signs?: I've leaked milk 2 nights this week! She's also dropped.
*Belly button in or out?: Still the same.
*What I miss: Being busy
*What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my daughter.
*Milestone: We are 100% finished preparing and are just waiting for her to arrive now that she's dropped. ::please come soon Lillian::