Lillian is doing so well! She's been awake more the past few days and her personality is really coming out. She's showing a preference for things, like a clean diaper, a position to sleep in, a time to eat, etc. She lets us know when we aren't doing exactly what she wants ;). Thankfully she isn't throwing fits, but she'll let out a cry or a "fuss" when she needs to.
Thanksgiving was a big day for all of us. It was the longest car ride she has been on (2 hours) and she was around a LOT of family all day. She definitely didn't want to be held by a bunch of people, so she was over it by the end of the day. We'll have to come up with a better strategy for Christmas... like NOT skipping her nap.
I'm still pumping every 2-3 hours and finally started seeing an increase in milk supply this week. I swear every time I'm ready to give up, it increases just enough to keep me going!
Lillian has her 2 month appointment and weighed 10.5 lbs! She got her DTaP and rotavirus vaccine, both a week apart. She also had a bronchoscopy this week to check her airway for obstruction. The results came back great and thankfully her breathing is expected to improve as her muscle tone improves. Speaking of muscle tone, we met with the PT for the first time this week and I really like her! She suggested that in a couple months Lillian have 2 PT appointments a week on top of her one OT appointment. Whatever it takes to get her strong we will do. Plus, it's fun for Lillian, she just thinks we're playing :).
Some firsts this week were: First Thanksgiving, first trip to Madison to visit her extended family, first time in a restaurant (Opie Taylors on the square downtown for take-out), first Christmas lighting and Christmas tree, and first tailgate (IU v Purdue!).
There are so many times I think "I should write a blog about this" but never take the time to do it. One of those things I should devote a whole blog entry to is my husband. I can't even begin to describe how helpful and supportive he is. He is a GREAT dad to Lillian and a wonderful husband to me. There are times when I want him around that he isn't always there, but when I NEED him, he's by my side. He gets up for late night feedings so I can pump while he takes care of Lillian. He takes her during the day when I need some "me" time or when she's getting heavy, or just need a break. He shares his feelings about being a dad to a little girl with special needs. He apologizes when necessary. I just love him.
Here are some recent photos of Lillian: