
Eric's Birth Story, The Cliff Notes

We're all still sleep deprived and I'm officially a new believer in Colic.  It's no joke.  But I figure this post needs to get written before details are forgotten.

If you're anything like me, you want the facts fast.  Sometimes I just want to know what happened, cut to the chase, don't give me the long winded version.

So here are the Cliff Notes:

  • Labored at home all day, visited doctor around 2pm to have membranes stripped (4cm dilated), went back home
  • Called my mom around 5pm and told her we were heading to the hospital around 9pm
  • Mom shows up to watch Lillian around 7:30pm
  • Continued Laboring at home timing contractions 4-8 minutes apart, 1.5 minutes long
  • Water broke at 9:04pm in the living room
  • Left house about 10-15 minutes later
  • Car ride from hell
  • Got to hospital around 9:30pm
  • Barely got my clothes off in time
  • Baby arrived at 9:52 - no epidural, no doctor, no problems!
Thank God for a great nurse who didn't lose her cool when she realized she was alone and about to deliver a baby by herself, and a quick on call mid-wife.  The mid-wife literally introduced herself, I nodded my head, grimaced and said "OK" while bracing for the contraction-straight-from-hell, and then his head popped out.  Woah nelly.

If my husband had parked the car in the parking garage instead of leaving it in front of the hospital doors and grabbing the wheelchair conveniently left next to the door, I would have had the baby in the hallway :-/.  Thank goodness he listened. 

And here's a picture of my 1 month old little colic monster.  Don't let the smile fool you....

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  1. I Love the cliff ntes version! He is so for colic, that blows, at least he is cute whle crying hahah

  2. Love this. So glad it was quick :) he is adorable

  3. Congratulations!! He is so precious. What a cute little smile!

  4. WOW! that is a quick birth!! CONGRATS! i am so happy for you! He already looks like big sis :)

  5. He is adorable and WOW...what a labor!!!

  6. Congrats...I am a new follower and I think I read your entire blog today..I am addicted already.

  7. New reader here. I love your weekly pics with the fruit/veggie. What a great idea!! Hopefully I can copy you soon.

  8. wow! unbelievable. my kids are 18 months apart and my second had the worst colic. She is now six months old and it is better but not gone. UGH! It is tough. If you ever need a shoulder just let me know....because I have totally just been there :) I think I slept on average3-4 hours a night for months 1-5. Hope his goes away soon. My daughter's ended up being severe reflux.
    Congrats on your beautiful baby boy :)

  9. WOW! That is a crazy story!!! He's adorable!!!

  10. You weren't kidding when you said it was a wild ride!

    Cole had colic. It's maddening. I mean, really. Four years later I still have a hard time talking about it. But let me know if you want to chat. Really.

  11. No epidural.. wow, that's amazing!
    One of my had a mild case of colic. It's not fun.

  12. He is adorable!!! Please do a post on having a drug free birth. I love hearing other womens' experiences :)

  13. Congratulations!! He is beautiful!!! New follower!

  14. I totally believe in colic... Keating had it for no good reason. I'm sorry I have no good advice, he just eventually grew out of it.

  15. Ugh, colic is no joke! My son had it (and acid reflux) until he was about 3-4 months old. Some days, he screamed for 8-9 hours straight. It was heartbreaking!! Don't forget to step away if you need a few min to yourself... more than once, I had to put my son in his crib and go sit on my porch swing outside for 5 minutes and take some deep breaths. :) When it went away, he became a totally different baby. :) Praying my 2nd doesn't have it!!

  16. Aw, he is beautiful!! How is he making out now? Still colic?


  17. He is so adorable, What a lovely story.. Thank you for sharing,I'm a new follower of your blogs.

  18. Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)
