
HDBD 32 Weeks!

*How far along?: 32 Weeks

*Total weight gain: 17 lbs

*How big is baby?: The size of jicama

*Sleep?: Sleep is still pretty good thanks to my awesome pillow.  But now I'm up about 3 times a night thanks to my smashed bladder.

*Best moment this week?: Trip to IKEA!

*Movement?: Still pretty darn active.  I've got a video to prove it!

*Food cravings?: Everything...

*Labor signs?: Nope.

*Belly button in or out?: About half and half.

*What I miss:   My pelvis not aching

*What I'm looking forward to:  Taste of Cincinnati!

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  1. That video is wonderful! I never got to see movement in my belly so it's so cool to see others!! Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy, you are very close to the end!!

  2. Love the video, so miss that part of pregnancy. You have got to be the cutest pregnant lady, you look great.

  3. YOu are suuuper cute! I remember just wishing it would all be over... but now that shes almost 3 sometimes I wish I could just shove her back in! ha ha
