
I'm too pregnant for this...

And who really cares about that survey anyway?

Yep, I'm over it. Is it July yet?

We're busy. Sooooo busy.  On top of all the last minute stuff trying to prepare for another baby, we decided to buy property and build a house.  But before we start building our future home, we need to make some pretty big improvements to our current home before selling it... Oh yeah, and did I mention we're having a baby?!  oy.

Those horses are hanging out in our future yard :) 
(Don't worry, we aren't taking their home. 
They belong in those stables in the background and have plenty of land over there.)

I have a lot more to share about the new property and the home improvements we're making, but I'm just too pregnant for this blog.  Or anything else really.  I just want to kick my feet up with a banana split in my hand and sit around until July.  Oh yeah, but I have a toddler.  A full time walking toddler.

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HDBD 32 Weeks!

*How far along?: 32 Weeks

*Total weight gain: 17 lbs

*How big is baby?: The size of jicama

*Sleep?: Sleep is still pretty good thanks to my awesome pillow.  But now I'm up about 3 times a night thanks to my smashed bladder.

*Best moment this week?: Trip to IKEA!

*Movement?: Still pretty darn active.  I've got a video to prove it!

*Food cravings?: Everything...

*Labor signs?: Nope.

*Belly button in or out?: About half and half.

*What I miss:   My pelvis not aching

*What I'm looking forward to:  Taste of Cincinnati!

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