
You Know What Sucks?

Having a man voice.  And a red nose that could compete with Rudolph.  And TRUCK LOADS of mucus. 

You really wanted to know about that, right? 

This week has been horrible!  When I have a voice at all, it's deep and disgusting.  When I don't have a voice I'm hacking.  Thank goodness Lillian hasn't caught this cold, or Phil.  Otherwise we would be one big pathetic household. 

Fingers crossed this is all gone by Thanksgiving and especially the Saturday after.  I have a craft show that Saturday and can't imagine anyone wanting to talk to me as I'm blowing my nose and hacking up God-knows-what into the trashcan.

On a completely unrelated note, Lillian can officially climb ALL the stairs in our house!  She climbs all the way up (closely supervised) and once she gets to where she can see the very top she squeals in delight!  It's an awfully cute site to see.  Another thing she did this weekend, yesterday actually, was stand completely independently!  She's NEVER done this before.  She was standing at her music table and when she saw Phil and I dancing along with the music she let go of the table, stood by herself, and clapped 4 times before balancing on the table again.  I was so happy Phil got to be there to see it too. 

After her annual IFSP meeting for the EI program, she's gone back down to only 2-3 therapy sessions a week instead of 5.  Let me tell you, it's like living a whole new life.  I'm amazed by how much that has freed up our schedule.  We dropped 2 whole therapy sessions and now all of the sudden we have free time!  That's never happened before.  After all of her paperwork goes through, we might be back up to 5 times a week, but for now we're enjoying the break.  I'm thankful for all the therapy she gets, and it's really helped her tremendously... but this break has given us time to do what typical families get to do, like mid-day trips to the grocery store and having lunch without feeling rushed to get a nap in before the next therapy session.

Here's a fun picture from this week.  She really enjoys getting mail!  This was from Nana wishing her a Happy Thanksgiving:

(PS - see that wallpaper in the background?  It's coming down this week :) )

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  1. Boo for colds. Sucks when Mommy's sick because Mommy doesn't usually get a day off. :( But very good that no one else has it.

    And yay for standing!! Dean is SO close, getting brave and letting go before a second passes and then he falls. :)

  2. Yuk i hate colds! I hope too that its gone before Thursday... that would be one thing to add to your thankfully list!

    Also congrats on your girls staircase success, that must be so exciting!

    Have fun taking down the wallpaper... boo for ugly wallpaper it should all be thrown away.

  3. A new follower here! I picked up from the TopMommyBlogs!

    I hope you're feeling better and you and the fam. had a great Thanksgiving!


  4. well, I'm trying to follow...this tends to happen on my computer...the follow box disappears for some reason, I'll try back soon. :)

  5. Sorry to hear about the cold. :( What will go in place of the wallpaper?

  6. I'm sorry you have a cold, BUT way to go Lillian! Seriously, such a big girl! So proud of you!

  7. I just found your blog on the Top Mommy Blogs web site. My best friend/my step son's aunt (I know, weird connection) had Prader Willie syndrome. She was a pretty severe case since she had Cerebral Palsy (from a traumatic birth) on top of the PW. It was extremely rare almost 30 years ago when she was born. You have a lot more available now so that's great. I have a daughter with Down syndrome. She is 7 months old. Here's my blog:
