
Saturday Blog Challenge Recap

Some how this morning I managed to find the time to glance at all the blogs taking on the 30 Day Blog Challenge.  Here's a little summary of some fun things I found:

Toddler Awesome - Emma has a few things going on. First of all she designs blogs over at IndieChick Designs.  This is good to know, because trying to design my own blog is like trying to suck mash potatoes through a straw. She also hosts a Friendly Friday Follow, which seems to be a huge hit because there are over 300 people following along.  That's a lot more impressive than my 30 Blog Challenge followers, and I thought we were doing pretty well. So if you're looking for new blogs to stumble upon, or would like more people to stumble upon your blog, check it out.

Mtendere Means Peace - My  favorite thing about Mtendere's blog is the "Things I don't want to Forget" posts.  What a fantastic idea.  If you're like me, you're not very good at keeping the baby book updated.  This is a great way to keep your memories in one spot! 

Random Acts of Brackett -  Maybe it's because I have a daughter now, I just can't get enough of the adorable things little girls say and do.  This blog has plenty of girliness.  3 girls in this family, plus the mom is a 7th grade teacher.  She deserves a big fat gold star! Another thing I noticed in this blog is the Love Actually button over on the side.  CLICK IT!  It's good stuff.


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