
A Great Blog to Stumble Upon

Somehow I stumbled upon The Stir, a cafe mom blog.  There's an article called 9 Lifesaving Car Seat Rules You're Probably Ignoring that caught my attention.  It's a pretty good article and is also written with some humor.  Anyway, I was poking around the rest of the website and discovered one of the parents is a special needs mom.  She writes a column about her experiences called "Isn't That Special."  She has a sense of humor.... I like her :).  If you have a second, check out the website and poke around.  I guarantee you'll find something you like!


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1 comment:

  1. That does look like an awesome blog! I signed up for their daily 10 newsletter.
    And thanks for passing on the carseat article; I realized that I was strapping DS in wrong...I was making sure that there was a finger width of space between his chest and the straps, and apparently I'm not supposed to do that. I also think I'm positioning the chest strap wrong. Thanks for passing it on!
