
You know you want to...

It's de-lurk week in the blog world, and you know you are dying to de-lurk and say hello :). All you have to do is introduce yourself, ask a question, and include your blog link (if you want to). In return I will answer any questions and maybe even throw in a video of Lillian doing something really adorable. How can you say no to that?
Over the weekend I'll answer all the questions in a separate post!


  1. Hello! My name is Heather...and I have been blogging for about 6 months or so. Before I got married. question is: How did you find out you were PG with DD and what was your reaction? Oh...that was 2 questions! And my blog address is:

    It's kind of boring...but they'll be some news soon!:)

    And your DD is beautiful!!

  2. Hi there! I really enjoy reading your blog because you're daughter is beautiful and I love how real you are with your writing. My question for you is What are your favorite blogs to read?

    My blog is:

  3. Hi Sarah!

    My name is Katie & I've become addicted to blogs since the beginning of this whole TTC process- I find is therapeutic to read about other's lives. Sounds strange now... :)

    Anyways, I enjoy your blog because you are completely honest about your challenges with Lillian and I appreciate that. I don't really have any questions, just wanted to let you know that you've got strangers cheering you & your husband on!


  4. Hey Sarah

    Im Kristin and ive been following you blog for a few weeks now. i love reading your stories and you have a wounderful little family. Your daughter is so cute. i was woundering if yall were planning on having any more babies in the near future. I just melted when you said that you and your DH could kiss your daughters cheeks.Your blog is really great. Kristin G

  5. Hey Sarah,

    Just wanted to say I love your new blog header! And I want to see a cute video of Lillian!!

  6. Hi Sarah, I have been following your blog since right before you got pregnant. I give you and your husband so much credit, you are so strong. Keep up the great work with your daughter!!

  7. Hi there, I have been following you for a while, and I just love your blog! You have such an adorable family. Oh a question... I guess I am curious to know what you did or didn't like about your pregnancy?

    Find me at

  8. Hello,
    My name is Laura and I love your blog for your honesty.
    A question... How did you meet your husband?

    -Laura (

  9. Hi Sara, I lurk on your blog all the time and I think Lily is super precious and I like to read about her progress. I frequently post on GP and have seen you around on there.

    My question: What is your greatest wish for Jillian's & your family's future?

    My blog is:
    Fell free to stop by and check it out anytime :)

  10. Hey! I am officially delurking ;) I stumbled upon your blog shortly after your DD was born - my DS is about the same age. My DS has some medical issues we are dealing with as well, and your honesty is inspiring. My question: Did having a Special Needs baby change your relationship with your DH?

  11. I don't think I have any questions, but I figured I should let you know that I enjoy reading your blog.

  12. Hi there! I'm Laura and I think we have several things in common! :) 1. My daughter's name is Lilly. 2.) I think your Lillian and my Lilly are only a few weeks apart. 3.) I think you live in Indiana. Right?? I'm a Hoosier and went to IU and am very familiar with Riley. I found your blog from Mrs. F's blog and I was like, wait.....this gal's a HOOSIER!! GO COLTS!!! :) :) :)

  13. Sarah, I just wanted to say that your an amazing mom and that Lillian is absolutely adorable!!! I came across your blog a few months back and have been reading your posts and praying for you and your family... I'm sure when your sweet Lillian grows up, she will see how very blessed she is to have parents who will fight for her and want the very best for her life!!! Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with the blog world and for being again, an amazing mom with great strength and encouragement to us all!!!

    What are some of your greatest joys and some of your greatest challenges of being a new mom?
