
35 Weeks and some pics

*How far along?: 35 Weeks
*Total weight gain: 16.5 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
*How big is baby?: Around 5lbs
*Maternity clothes?: I just wear what fits now... the options are limited.
*Sleep?: What's that? Is that something I should be doing?
*Best moment this week?: Hearing her heartbeat. It never gets old :)
*Movement?: She is running out of room fast! Poor thing. I can tell she's crammed in there because her movements are more forcefull and cover less space. She hiccups a lot, so when she isn't moving as much they give me peace of mind that she's still alive!
*Food cravings?: Still Sweet Tea
*Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks are getting to be more painful and I've had a little bit more cramping. Freaks me out!
*Belly button in or out?: I have a very stubborn belly button!! Still an innie.
*What I miss: Bending over, getting up, rolling out of bed, sitting up, walking without losing my breath.
*What I'm looking forward to: The day after labor :)
*Milestone: I've still made it this far with out stretch marks (at least none that I can see) Also, my doctor said now is the point they will NOT stop labor!


  1. Yay for 35/35! It's a big milestone.

  2. yay for 35/35 and i love how high you are carrying! my baby is super low! so different looking! maybe the OWT is true! girls high boys low!

  3. I love you mama! Cant believe you are 35 weeks!

  4. You look great! Big milestone...Congrats!
