
My Weekend in Labor and Delivery

I had light spotting Saturday morning around 6am so I called the doctor and he sent me to the hospital. The nurse that saw us first searched for the heartbeat, and after trying and trying to get the heart beat with the stupid f'n machine she was using (which apparently had poor batteries) she finally found a strong heartbeat with a second machine.

My doctor came in and did an internal exam to see if he could find the source of the bleeding. My cervix was still closed so he sent me for an ultrasound. We spent an hour looking at our baby and measuring all her organs and everything else they do in the ultrasound.

The results came back and showed that I had low ambiotic fluid. (This has nothing to do with the bleeding) They kept me in the hospital all day and night Saturday to monitor my fluids. Sunday morning we had another ultrasound and nothing has changed. The doctor said that my ambiotic fluid is in the 2nd percentile (?) whatever that means. Their main concern now is that my blood isn't pumping through the ambilical cord at a rate that is getting enough fluid to the baby.

They sent me home at 4pm after doing a bunch of bloodwork and put me on bedrest. I'm supposed to see a high risk OB sometime this week and they will do another ultrasound to check the bloodflow to the baby.

PLEASE keep us in your prayers. There isn't much I can do but lay here and hope it fixes itself.


  1. Oh Sarah I am so sorry. That sounds incredibly stressful. Just relax and I will definitely keep you and the baby in my prayers!

  2. I am so sorry! I will be praying for you!

  3. How scary! I'll be praying for you!

  4. Wow, for scary! I will be thinking and praying for you!

  5. Oh no! I will keep you in my thoughts, and be hoping the best for your little girl!

  6. Good luck getting your fluids back up and keeping that baby healthy! Drink looootss of water this week. I'll be thinking of you.

  7. I'll keep you and in my thoughts and prayers!

  8. Hey hun, I'm so sorry to hear this! You are already always in my prayers, but I'll certainly make it more detailed now. Take care of that little tot! You're almost to 24 weeks where it has a chance of survival if it has to come out! Of course we want it to stay in there much longer than that though! take care! feet up. lots of water.(not that you don't already know that)

  9. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Hey Sarah, I will be praying for you and the babe.

  11. Hey Sarah - just wanted to let you know that I was thinking and praying for you and little one too. But think positive... bed rest means lots of time to bump. :)

  12. I will be thinking about you, your H, and your little one. Hope all goes well with your appointment. Keep us updated and get some rest.

  13. Thinking happy thoughts for you and Lillian!

  14. I'm so sorry Sare, i'll keep you in my prayers.
