
The Most Embarrassing Moment of My Adult Life

I know I haven't been updating this blog lately, but this needed to be documented. You're welcome in advance.

I wanted to print out this really cute Easter print from pinterest. I saved it on a flash drive we had and while I was saving it I noticed it had some files on it called Teaching and Nursing Resources, Community Health, Fall 2010 Semester, etc. Neither Phil nor I took nursing classes so I just assumed he found it laying around and tossed it in our "all things technology" basket.

So I get to Sam's and I ask the guy if they can print photos 16x20 size from a thumb drive. He says, sure... I'll help.

So we insert the thumb drive as I'm telling him I have no idea what's on there and it might take a minute to find the picture. WELL, what I DIDN'T know was how many pictures of straight up penis and vaginas covered in genital warts we'd get flashed with trying to find the picture that I wanted to print.


I mumbled something about "I'm so sorry, there are a lot of nursing files on here and I had no idea those pictures were in them".

And then I died again.

And of course the photo I actually wanted to print wasn't a freaking jpeg, so it didn't even show up. My innocent little Easter photo.

He suggested that I go home and upload the photo I want printed to Sam's Club online. He was really nice and said he was a surgical tech before he retired (did I mention this was a sweet old man?) and photos of genital warts were nothing for him.

And then I took my cart with my sweet precious innocent little children sitting in the front and got as far away from the photo department as possible.

And that, my friends, is going in the "things I'll never forget" file.

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