
HBDB: Week 19

Yeah, I'm late...

 *How far along?: 19 Weeks

*Total weight gain: Still not sure, but I think around 8lbs (give or take a bit)

*How big is baby?: The size of a Mango! yummmm

*Maternity clothes?: Yep.  I still have 1 pair of jeans that button since they are low rise, but of course then I'm constantly worried about my crack hanging out.

*Sleep?:  Still rockin the 3 pillows and thankfully sleeping through the night.

*Best moment this week?: Swim class #2 with Lillian

*Movement?: YES!  It's amazing.  I'm completely in awe.

*Food cravings?: Ugh, I've been eating the most disgusting unhealthy food :-/.  It's got to get better, right?  I think I've had at least 3 milkshakes this week and had some sort of fast food for lunch every day...  it's bad.

*Labor signs?: Nope. Nada.

*Belly button in or out?: In

*What I miss: Having energy and eating healthy

*What I'm looking forward to:  Maybe sneaking in another ultrasound.  I would love to get a 3D/4D one!


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The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem

The second step is justifying it with the prices you paid!

$80 = 21 items of clothing (including one snow suit that was $4 SCORE!) thanks to clearance racks at Target/Kohls.  

I know most women ooooo and aaaaahhhhh over little girls clothes and accessories, but I'm the complete opposite.  I LOVE little boys clothes!  The little ties!  The plaid!  The collared shirts!  SWOON.

I melt.


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Hump Day Bump Day: 18 Weeks!!

Holy crap!  It's a boy!

*How far along?: 18 Weeks

*Total weight gain: Um... I have no clue

*How big is baby?:  The size of a sweet potato! Between 5 and 7 ounces and about 5½ inches long

*Maternity clothes?:  Yep. Lovin it.

*Sleep?:  Aside from reflux, running nose, etc I'm sleeping pretty well propped on a lot of fluff

*Best moment this week?: Seeing the ultrasound and hearing everything looks perfect so far!

*Movement?: This baby is moving a ton and apparently I'm not feeling all of it.  It was so cool to see on the ultrasound

*Food cravings?:  I was really into Mexican food until the reflux kicked in :-/

*Labor signs?: Nope. Nada.

*Belly button in or out?: In

*What I miss: Walking up the stairs without losing my breath

*What I'm looking forward to:  July


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24 Hour Blog Poll!!

You have 24 hours (well, really more like 32 hours) to take a guess at what's behind baby bump #2!

Will Lillian have a little brother or sister?  Click the poll in the left hand column!

And for a little comparison - here is Baby Bump #1 at 17 weeks (with Lillian)

And Baby Bump #2 at 17 weeks

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Vintage Inspired Big Girl Room

Now that #2 is on the way, we have to make the decision on what to do with the bedroom situation.  Lillian's nursery was decorated gender neutral because we knew we wanted to have another child.  So now that the nursery is in place for whatever #2 surprises us with, we have to figure out what to do with Lillian! 

The idea is to turn the guest bedroom into her big girl room.  And I'm IN LOVE with this vintage inspired nursery.

Isn't it gorgeous?!

The main problem is I'm really not interested in painting over the wall color that's already in the room.  The color is called "Georgian Brick" and it looks just like it sounds:

Not the best picture but you get the point

Luckily the crib is white, there's a white shelf that goes all around the top of the wall, and there is good lighting in the room.

So far we've purchased the crib, bedding, a lamp, and a mirror.  I found the most beautiful vintage dresser, but unfortunately it was sold just before I got to the store :(.  It really was perfect.  I'm still upset over that!

Here is what we have:
The Convertible Crib
Super cute lamp I found from a local store

The bumper for her crib (this girl needs a bumper, she's a very dangerous sleeper!)

Crib Skirt

Crib Sheet
A vintage inspired mirror to go over the dresser (once we find one)

That's all we've got so far!  I can't wait to see it all come together.  Luckily we still have 6 months or so to make it happen. I would love to find a new light for the room, figure out what we'll put on the wall, and we might replace the mirror if I found out that fits the wall better.  I'm a little bit worried about the wall color, but we're determined to make it work!   I HATE painting!


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Hump Day Bump Day: Week 17

*How far along?: 17 Weeks

*Total weight gain: 4ish pounds

*How big is baby?:  The size of an Onion! that's about 5oz and 5inches long

*Maternity clothes?: Pants still fit (with a rubber band, sometimes without) but I am wearing more maternity shirts.  Mainly just to not look fat!

*Sleep?: Still sleeping well on my giant fluffy monstrous pillow

*Best moment this week?: Changing a diaper without throwing up.  haha, seriously, that's worth celebrating.

*Movement?:  Some really light movement. I would be a lot happier if this baby would kick a little bit more, but I'm sure it's coming in time.

*Food cravings?:  Sugar. Anything with sugar in it. Cupcakes, cereal, donuts, you name it.

*Labor signs?: No, thank goodness.

*Belly button in or out?: In

*What I miss:  Lillian's long naps.  This girl is killing me.

*What I'm looking forward to: Our big ultrasound in 1 week!

*Milestone: We bought the crib, stroller, bedding, and are getting closer to decorating for the new babe!

Onion Baby!

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Words, Words! We have Words!

This week we've heard:

Na - (Nose) pointing to my nose
Eye - pointing to my eye
Na na - night night
Anen - (Amen) at the end of evening prayer
Ma - Yelling for me when I walked away (still wondering if that one was intentional)
(She can say dada but hasn't called him dada with meaning that we've noticed)

She babbles quite a bit, so it's possible she has more "words" but I really need to listen more closely to see if she is putting words to meaning.

In the past 1-3 months she's learned to communicate (some what consistently) by...

waving hello and goodbye
blowing kisses
"all done" (she has her own version of crossing her arms in front of her or pulling at her shirt to imitate pulling off a bib)

She brushes her hair (and mine) with a hair brush
She knows how to pat her belly when asked
She'll pat her head when asked
She knows how to find her ears when asked (she won't point to her own nose or eyes though)
She'll take a drink of her milk when asked
She turns pages in books when asked
She dances, claps her hands, and pushes buttons when asked (or when music plays)
She knows what "up" means (lifts her arms)
She puts her hands together when we say "it's time to pray"

She *might* have signed "eat" today, but I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose or just putting her fingers to her mouth.

I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, but honestly I've been so down for the past 6 months about her lack of words compared to other babies, but this week she has really surprised us!  Even though the words we've caught her saying haven't been repeated, at least she's FINALLY starting to do it!  My goodness I feel like we've been waiting so long and working so hard to hear anything, and finally, finally!   Now I feel like I have to really stop and listen and watch to see if what we think is babbling is really something with meaning.

It's very exciting.  I'm so proud of her :).

And because what's a blog post without a few pictures?

Lillian passed out cold after a trip to the Children's Museum

Here she is the next day passed out at Target after fighting a nap ALL day long

An early 17 week belly shot


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Hump Day Bump Day: 16 weeks

::blows dust off bump day survey::

Time to start updating with weekly bump posts!

*How far along?: 16 weeks, and thankfully getting into the blissful part of 2nd trimester!

*Total weight gain: 3ish lbs.  Sometimes it's 5.  Last night it was 3.  meh, whatever.

*How big is baby?:  The size of an Avocado! that's 3oz and about 4-5 inches long

*Maternity clothes?: Not really.  I'm rocking the rubber band on my jeans.  There was a huge sale at Motherhood maternity last week, so I did buy some warm weather maternity clothes for our trip to Florida.  But since we're in an ice storm right now they are not making their way out of the closet.

*Sleep?: Love it.  I could sleep 12 hours a day easily.  Especially with this amazingly bad ass ginormous pregnancy pillow (aka the great wall of china)

*Best moment this week?: hm... eating pineapple ham pizza

*Movement?:  Yep.  Thankfully I'm feeling some tap taps in there today.  I felt it REALLY early around 11 or 12 weeks, and then it sort of started to fade away.  Last week I hardly felt anything.  So today I'm happy to report the tap taps are back.

*Food cravings?: Pineapple/ham pizza.  I could live on it.  And I'm dying for some captain crunch cereal (dry) thanks to the power of suggestion from a friend.  ::Sigh:: but it's icing outside so that's not going to happen.

*Labor signs?: No, thank goodness.

*Belly button in or out?: In

*What I miss: Margaritas

*What I'm looking forward to: Our big ultrasound in 2 weeks!

*Milestone: I'm officially not puking every day :).  

Naval Orange



Plum, I had the flu :(


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