
Things I don't want to forget

The day I fell in love with your eyelids.  Sometimes I pull you out of your crib so I can hold you while you sleep and see this same face, just a little bit older each time.

The funny noise you make when you click your tongue.  And how you get a big grin when we immitate you.

When you learned to clap, you clapped at everything and everyone.  For a week straight everything ended with clapping. 

When you pick up something new, you scratch it with your thumb and finger. Before putting it in your mouth.

You will do anything to get to a piece of paper or a pair of glasses. You crawled forward for the first time for these items (yesterday).

You would rather look at the person playing with you than the toy they are trying to get you to play with.  It makes for interesting therapy sessions.  All the therapist love you for this, though it makes their job that much harder.

When we're having a bad day I take you to the pet store and you try to touch the fish through the tank glass.  You laugh at them when they swim to your hand.

You laugh at the dog over anything. absolutely anything. 


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