
33 Week Survey

*How far along?: 33 Weeks,
*Total weight gain: I have no idea anymore! Maybe about 17lbs. I'll find out next Monday at my Dr. appointment.
*How big is baby?: 4.5 lbs (ish)
*Maternity clothes?: Loving my maternity jeans but I'm still wearing some of my pre-pregnancy tops. They are stretched to hell, but I love them :)
*Sleep?: On a nest of 5 pillows. I'm up at least 2 times a night now to pee and 5am seems to be when I'm wide awake :( I only get about 5 hours of sleep a night.
*Best moment this week?: Eating fair food!!! The snow cones are amazing.
*Movement?: She is very active this week! She pushed her feet out tonight and Phil got to see! I'm watching her elbow swipe across my belly now. (I think it's her elbow..)
*Food cravings?: Cotton Candy. I must get some soon. I still crave sweet tea every day too.
*Labor signs?: I have Braxton hicks contractions and I've had a little bit of cramping.
*Belly button in or out?: Still in, I don't think it's coming out!!
*What I miss: Champagne
*What I'm looking forward to: Holding Lillian in my arms and feeding her
*Milestone: I've made it this far with out stretch marks ::crosses fingers::