
26 weeks

*How far along?: 26 weeks

*Total weight gain: 10lbs

*How big is baby?: Almost 2lbs!!

*Maternity clothes?: Yep. Mainly just jeans. I'm finally buying more maternity tops because they are more flattering and make me look pregnant instead of just big. Oddly enough, I can still fit into my regular medium sized dresses! I just bought a new one for the baby shower and can't wait to wear it this weekend!

*Stretch marks?: Non that I know of... I have a few light white ones from back in the day, but they aren't getting worse or more noticeable. Hopefully it stays this way.

*Sleep?: I'm lucky if I get 2 consecutive hours in a night.

*Best moment this week?: Last night Phil and I took the dog for a walk at the park. We started talking about flavored shaved ice and how yummy they were in Hawaii. We left the park and drove through 2 different towns looking for some! We even hit up the local little league baseball fields in search of flavor ice. Sadly, we had no luck, but it was a lot of fun and unexpected. (I did get a starkiss from DQ for the first time in 20 years. It was delish!)

*Movement?: Lots of rolling and pushing and kicking. She lets me know when she's hungry, uncomfortable, and bored! I love feeling so connected to her.

*Food cravings?: I've been wanting s'mores since last Friday.

*Labor signs?: None

*Belly button in or out?: It's still in, but when I laugh or cough it pushes out a little.

*What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and drinking coffee guilt free.

*What I'm looking forward to: My shower this weekend!

*Milestone: Phil can watch Lillian move in my stomach now. I've been watching her for weeks, but he has a hard time seeing it. Also, she responds to our voices!