

Over the past 5 weeks that I haven't blogged I've had 2 colds, the flu, throwing up every morning, plus a week vacation in Florida. So, clearly there hasn't been much excitement...

Today I'm 13 weeks and 3 days. Here's a picture of my new little bump!

Phil and I have been finishing our basement so we can turn one of the bedrooms upstairs into a nursery. It's coming along pretty well, we just need a little more paint and some carpeting and it will be FINISHED!
We have started a registry just to keep track of a few things we like, but we're keeping it private until we find out the sex of the baby and narrow down some choices. Plus, I want to reserve the right to change my mind on some things before the family starts to get involved! It'll be exciting to start buying the nursery furniture and enter into the "nesting" stage.
One thing we've fallen in love with are the BumGenius cloth diapers. There is a great store in town called Natural Elements that sells environmentally friendly and organic products for infants and children and the owner is the most kind patient woman I have ever met! She answered all of my questions about cloth diapers and demonstrated how they work. She also sells local handmade products and I just love all of it! The things that I'm interested in buying aren't over priced in her store, unlike some of the other boutique children stores I've visited. They also sell Moby Wrap carriers, which makes me a happy lady :)
Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll have an appointment set for the big u/s which surprisingly is coming up quickly. It seems like the first trimester just flew by, and I can't wait to find out if we are having a little Eli or a little Lillian. I'll definitely post that date once we find out!