
Baby Brain

My sister told me once, "When you get pregnant, your going to be amazed at how forgetful you become." Little did I know that "baby brain" would pretty much haunt me every single day.

Today it was actually a public embarrassment! I'm driving home from work and start thinking about some things I need to pick up. It dawns on me that I could probably find what I need at CVS. I park in the CVS parking lot determined to find what I'm looking for, walk into the store, head towards the health care section, and completely go blank. What was I there for? Surely if I walk around the aisles something will remind my brain what I'm doing here.

Oh! 75% off lipstick! That's not what I came for, but look at all of these colors! Three lipsticks later and I still have no idea what I'm there for. I walk back to the medicine aisles thinking it must be pregnancy related, but there's really nothing I need! The guy stocking the counters asks "Can I help you find something?" He looked at me like I was crazy when I told him I couldn't remember why I was there. His exact words were, "Well, I've never heard that one before. Let me know if you remember and need help finding it."

I go to the counter to purchase the lipstick. The lady says, "Is there anything I can help you with? Did you find everything you need today?" So I tell her, "I honestly can't remember what I'm here for"... by this point I just feel stupid.

I get in the car and drive a little further down the road. Three blocks away I remember what I went there for. Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion! I thought maybe getting a head start on using it would help prevent the wear and tear on my skin. But by this point it's too embarrassing to go back.

This isn't just a one time occurrence. Oh no, there's no such luck. This is every time I get in the car, go to the store, take my PNV (which I stick in my pocket as a reminder, pathetic)... the list goes on. OK baby, we're really happy to have you growing in there, but can I have my brain back? Thanks.