
Stupid L&D Visit

Yep. Again.

Today I wasn't feeling any movement from the baby. I tried EVERYTHING! I tried sugar, protein, carbs, ice water, laying down, standing up, moving around, moving from side to side. No movement.

So after about 12 hours of wondering what the hell was going on, I called the Doctor. My Doctor was on vacation so they sent me to another Dr. To make a long story short, they hooked me up to monitors, found the heartbeat and then discovered I was having contractions that seemed to be less than a minute apart.

HUH? I didn't even feel anything!

So, he did an internal to see if I was dilating and sent me to the hospital. I wasn't dilating but he wanted them to monitor me and work to get me hydrated and conduct an ultrasound.

Several hours later (and after a pretty awesome ultrasound) they sent me home. Everything on the ultrasound looked okay, but here's the ringer - they said I have "too much" amniotic fluid.

-insert giant WTF moment here-

Yeah, so 10 weeks ago they had me worried out of my mind freaking out about having too little fluid. Now I have too much? STFU. I want my real doctor.

So even though I'm thrilled to see my little girl again and absolutely thrilled to have peace of mind, I'm a little annoyed that the doctor sent me to the hospital when it was clear I wasn't dilating. Honestly I think he wanted to go home because it was 5 o'clock and he didn't want to monitor me for dehydration - which turns out to be the reason why I was contracting.

I'll post a new picture of my cute little princess tomorrow.


28 weeks

*How far along?: 28 weeks
*Total weight gain: 15lbs
*How big is baby?: Almost 3lbs!!
*Maternity clothes?: I'm loving my summer dresses!
*Sleep?: Sleep is getting better now that the dog is banned from the upstairs, and I bought a nightlight for the bathroom.
*Best moment this week?: The baby shower! I'll update with some pics tomorrow.
*Movement?: Still the normal kicking and pushing
*Food cravings?: Still wanting snow cones!! Finally found a place that has them in town!
*Labor signs?: I had my first noticeable braxton hicks contractions the day before my shower.
*Belly button in or out?: It's still in, but when I laugh or cough it pushes out a little.
*What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and having smaller boobs... even though they were never very small. These things are ginormous.
*What I'm looking forward to: The birthing class we have on Saturday
*Milestone: The Braxton Hicks contractions felt like a milestone. Also making it to 3rd trimester!


Woah Grandma!

I LOOOVE my grandmother! Yesterday I spent all day with her in Indianapolis and oh. my. goodness. can that woman shop! We started out at BuyBuyBaby, then went to Lowes, then lunch at MCL (um, delish!), then BRU, then Macy's and finally Von Myer (sp?).

I had no idea we would be gone for 7 hours, but so much was accomplished. I was able to get Lillian's Pack and Play, changing pad, gates for the stairway, and several little outfits. Her great-grandmother spoiled her with clothes and books and an adorable little swimsuit. I hope Lillian gets to spend lots of time with her g-grandma, and hopefully keep up with her better than I did yesterday!

Saturday is the baby shower and I'm so excited to see my family and eat lots of yummy food. Lillian has been very active and she's getting to be pretty heavy. Last night I was looking at my belly in the mirror and could see a dent where her little body was laying. I'm just so smitten for her.


We found it!

We found a Hawaiian Shaved Ice about 30 minutes from where we live :)


26 weeks

*How far along?: 26 weeks

*Total weight gain: 10lbs

*How big is baby?: Almost 2lbs!!

*Maternity clothes?: Yep. Mainly just jeans. I'm finally buying more maternity tops because they are more flattering and make me look pregnant instead of just big. Oddly enough, I can still fit into my regular medium sized dresses! I just bought a new one for the baby shower and can't wait to wear it this weekend!

*Stretch marks?: Non that I know of... I have a few light white ones from back in the day, but they aren't getting worse or more noticeable. Hopefully it stays this way.

*Sleep?: I'm lucky if I get 2 consecutive hours in a night.

*Best moment this week?: Last night Phil and I took the dog for a walk at the park. We started talking about flavored shaved ice and how yummy they were in Hawaii. We left the park and drove through 2 different towns looking for some! We even hit up the local little league baseball fields in search of flavor ice. Sadly, we had no luck, but it was a lot of fun and unexpected. (I did get a starkiss from DQ for the first time in 20 years. It was delish!)

*Movement?: Lots of rolling and pushing and kicking. She lets me know when she's hungry, uncomfortable, and bored! I love feeling so connected to her.

*Food cravings?: I've been wanting s'mores since last Friday.

*Labor signs?: None

*Belly button in or out?: It's still in, but when I laugh or cough it pushes out a little.

*What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and drinking coffee guilt free.

*What I'm looking forward to: My shower this weekend!

*Milestone: Phil can watch Lillian move in my stomach now. I've been watching her for weeks, but he has a hard time seeing it. Also, she responds to our voices!


Well Gaaawwleeee (plus some pics)

I love that phrase. Especially coming from the big burley man working at the marina where we are docked. Something about being in the south just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Did I mention the food?
1. Grits - We don't have these in Indiana and I love them
2. Catfish - Never thought I would say that. The catfish in Indiana is the most disgusting food I've ever seen, but for some reason in Tennessee they have perfected this strange animal to taste amazing. Kind of like frito chips actually...
3. Pie - all of it. Chess pie, Fudge pie, Derby Pie, Blackberry Pie, Peach Pie, Apple Pie. allofit.
4. Sweet tea - 'nough said.

Yesterday DH and I had a great time playing a round of mini golf at the state park and fishing the day away. Unfortunately after we got as far west as possible on the lake our boat wouldn't start. It was also 90 degrees outside and we were no where near the shade on the shoreline. Thank God this adorable older couple happened to be swimming off their pontoon boat within shouting distance and they were kind enough to tow us all the way back to the marina. They were really just so adorable. They have been married 49 years and were as sweet as could be. They told us about their children and grandchildren and we realized her son works at the hospital in Indiana that I'll be delivering at. It's such a small world!

Now that the boat won't start we may be ending our trip a couple days earlier than expected. Phil is fishing around the marina today, but there isn't anything else to do around here without driving at least an hour and a half away. The pool and a good book are enough to keep me happy, but I can understand him not wanting to miss work to sit around a dock.

Lillians first boating trip:

Phils fish.............

My tiny little fish... (don't judge, I look disgusting here!)

Sweet older couple towing us back to the marina: